Sunday, September 30, 2012


Many people are tired of their wages job today. It robs them of their peace of mind, freedom and many are far away from their family and loved ones due to the pressure of job to put money on the table for the family.

Many homes have become a living hell due to the stress of salary jobs. Yet only few percentage of wage earners really enjoy the good things of life.

Work at home business has become another alternative that many people around the world are looking up to as a viable alternative to stressful paid employment. Why wouldn't I embrace this alternative that actually delivered for me a new life of freedom and wealth?

I love my work at home job. Join me in my new world.  

Success Work At Home Job

I have been looking for a job
Not the kind of offer that I was robbed
Of my peace of heart and later been snubbed
By my employer of labour in his shop.

I have been looking for an offer
Not the type of the kind that I will suffer
While my employer of labour is dancing Samba
And his labour force are busy prospecting for buyers.

I am looking for a work at home
So that I can have a time of my own
My family who had missed me from home
My children who desired attention as they grow.

I have found a successful work at home job
I got a home based offer
I love the independent life this one put up
I savour the peace of mind in this offer.

Follow me to enjoy my work at home business
Though, I need to learn the rope in earnest
Yet the end -product is a success
The fruit of my labour leads to financial independence.