Stormy Rain ravaged most parts of Ibadan the capital of Oyo State-Nigeria on Sunday
17th February, 2013. Devastation unlimited in the history of the city.
Nature's Fury, Heralding New Rain Season.
Angry wind tornadoed my compound,
Elements at its worst best
Merciless rain damaged my home
Nature’s anger, heralding new raining season.
It started as a gentle breeze
Gradually the tempo fast forwarded
The nature we were very hopeful of,
To end the daily heat and draw the night’s coolness
Unknown to us the damages to come
Angry wind marrying a merciless rain
Turned our compounds to heaps of debris.
Oh Lord! Why is it now?
My fence, swept off in a jiffy
My work-in-progress house, hit badly
My poultry shed…damaged beyond repairs
My garden of Moringa and pawpaw
Bowed perennially on their bellies for nature.
It is raining season, welcome nature’s rain
Don’t come again with a fury wind to my home
I love your gentle breeze
Not the turbulent fiery wind,
We cherish your cooling soothes
Not the angry flood of water
Nature’s anger, depart from our abodes.