Is it real? Is it true? Is it deliberately requested? Is it politically motivated? Is it the norm or high wired politics of diversions from the main issue? Scandals here and there. Scandals multiplied by scandals equals to Scandalous Scandals.
Our acts have started again
We are abusing the democratic license we gained
After decades of turbulence of forceful reigns
Scandalous scandals are the news of our days.
Scandals of shocking and outrageous outlook
Scandals of shameful, indecent and wicked offshoot
Scandals that is full of reprehensible stories
Scandalous scandals of appalling reports.
I wonder what we will tell our children of today
The magnitude of our harvests of scandals everyday
Will they be patient to let the time rearrange
Or will they be consumed with the fire of rage?
Scandalous scandals has eaten into our life
Our politics and economy in strife
Our teeming unemployed youths are yearning
For the end of this scandalous scandals.