Thursday, December 22, 2011


It is the season of Christmas, when we celeberate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Happy festive Seasons to all my friends and readers over there. It is well with you all.

In line with the festive period's tone, I remembered a Christmas Carol programme I attended long ago. I really enjoyed the songs to the extent that during the interlude I wrote some lines to commemorate the occasion. The title is - I Heard A Big Song.


So eulogising, So adoring,
So praise-worthying,So admonishing,
So stimulating, So encouraging,
So emulating,So scintillating,
So captivating, So impressing,
So entertaining, So sensible,
So invoking,So evoking,
So beautifully composed,
So wonderfully rendered,
So miraculously sung.

This Christmas sonorous songs,
Rendered by the special squad,
The Christian angelic praise singers,
So beautifully stressed in tones
Of musical instruments of great capacities!
Oh! if you want to feel the extent of this feeling,
Visualize King David playing on his lyre before Saul,
Imagine him singing Psalm 107
Fast Forward to King Solomon the Wise,
In his royal palace with special choristers.

Merry Christmas to all that witnessed this,
Merry Christmas to all my folks here,
Merry Christmas to the singers and the audience,
Merry Christmas to the readers and the followers,
Merry Christmas to my friends and foes
It is the Season of Love and Bliss
It is the Time of being a brother's keeper,
It is the Period of the Lord's birth,
Join me to say it very heartily.